A lot is being made lately of the abortion issue.

Here are the facts.

Out of approx 100,000 abortions, 73,191 were Medicare (that's your taxes) funded between 7/2003 and 6/2004. That's an overwhelming majority in anyone's book.

South Australia, the only state publishing detailed data on abortions, provides a snapshot of what's happening Australia-wide.

In SA:

  • 53.9% of abortions were performed on women that were married or in defacto relationships. (not the proverbial rape victims, incest victims or even temporary relationships)
  • Less than 3% were performed for medical reasons
  • 0.3% were due to a woman's medical condition.

1. Write to your MP and to the Prime Minister and Hon Peter Costello (Treasurer) to request that Medicare funds no longer be used for abortions.

2. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor-General (or write to Government House, Yarralumba, ACT, 2600) for his public statements about the number of abortions in Australia.  He said that he would like to see the number reduced to zero, and we would certainly agree with him.  We do not endorse his proposed solution - better education and wider availability of contraceptives - because research suggests that there is a direct link between morally-neutral sex education and an increase in the number of unplanned pregnancies and subsequent abortions. 

3. Contact both Hon Tony Abbott (Minister for Health) and Senator Eric Abetz (TAS) to commend them for their comments on the subject of abortion-on-demand. 

source: The Australian, Monday November 8, 2004.

About A.F.F.

We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983.  AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.

We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so.  One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.

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Australian Federation for the Family
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TAS 7109

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