You too can send a brief letter to your federal MPs and Senators as well as federal Cabinet Misters by going to and clicking on "Take Action" and "Politicians". They should be asked to place the same simple restrictions on X Rated DVDs in the Territories as already exist in each of our states!!! If not, why not?

Dear Cabinet Minister, MP, Senator,

Media reports about the venereal disease spreading and serious criminal sexual assault of Aboriginal women, boys and girls is beyond the pale. Don't you agree that something more must be done?

The data about the CAUSE of this devastating epidemic - the widespread use and availability of X Rated porn in the territories - should be more well known. Because it is proven they cause harm, the territory governments have erected signs warning "No Pornography" entering Aboriginal reserves. Even every state in Australia has banned the sale, hire or display of X rated DVDs; every state.

It is now known and no longer arguable that X Rated DVDs are extensively used in the sexual assault and exploitation of children all across the Northern Territory. Certainly, sensible humans would agree that our Aboriginal population should enjoy the same protections from the ravages caused by X Rated porn as the woman and children in every state in Australia.

I've attached some important information for your attention.

Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson is quoted exhaustively in this week's Herald Sun and The Australian concerning the horrible abuse, rampant venereal disease and extreme sexual exploitation of children in the Northern Territory. In today's The Australian (16 March 2018) newspaper in an article entitled "Most Tennant Creek children 'vulnerable'" no less of an authority than Dr Stuart Phillpot formerly with the University of New South Wales who has worked in the Tennant Creek region for over 5 decades describes an "appalling accumulation of social dysfunction" and says, "I live in fear that some kid watching a triple-X rated video will act out what he sees..." Although Dr Phillpot's warnings, even those contained in his two reports to the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the NT, one in 2014 and another in 2015 were ignored by the government, the present epidemic of adolescent venereal disease and serial sexual assault should be treated as serious. Some positive action is called for.

Under our constitution doesn't the federal government rule the territories? If so, can you please see to it that the same simple restrictions applied to X Rated DVDs in ALL of our states is applied to the X Rated DVDs in the territories, causing such incredible damage?

Failing that, how do you suggest Australians lobby the territory legislators to better protect their inhabitants, especially the Aboriginal women, girls and boys?

I have personally given evidence before State and Federal Parliamentary Committees about the proven link between porn and sexual violence. My organisation has helped craft national, statewide and local legislation curbing X Rated porn. I welcome the opportunity to provide you with much more scientific data condemning X Rated porn with parliamentary submissions containing comprehensive, scientific data concerning the harm it causes, if you so desire.

Finally, do you agree that the sexual atrocities currently being committed against Aboriginal women and children need addressing? Also, do you see that reducing the availability of X Rated DVDs will be a significant step forward in this battle for the hearts and minds of these innocent child victims?

Please reply as I have several friends, business associates, church members and others who are very interested in your response.


Jack Sonnemann
Dir, Australian Federation for the Family

To see the attachment to this letter, click here: Info sheet: Help Protect Our Children.

About A.F.F.

We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983.  AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.

We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so.  One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.

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