About 23 years ago Dutch prosecutors cut a deal with doctors: Follow a few simple rules, and you can assist your patients to commit suicide. Essentially the patient must be terminally ill, have made repeated requests for assistance in suicide and suffering must be unbearable.

But in practice, more than half the time, Dutch doctors kill patients without the patients' knowledge or consent; they justify this by saying it is what they think is best.

About A.F.F.

We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983.  AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.

We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so.  One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.

Contact A.F.F.

Australian Federation for the Family
c/o Grove Post Office
TAS 7109

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