The Australian Labor Party has had some policy issues which with we, at AFF, disagree. I am including just a few such as:

  • illegally displaying pornographic magazines to children
  • free standing abortion clinics
  • sexual penetration of children
  • legal prostitution
  • age of sexual consent at 13
  • absolute job preference for union members
  • dealing in heroin removed from the Major Crime Index
  • homosexuals adopting children

The Australian Capital Territory Labor Party Platform of 1991/92 in their policy handbook states under HEALTH that the ACT will “Have as a priority a free-standing abortion clinic.” (Page 43, 5.2.4)

Under INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS the ACT ALP says it will “Legislate to provide that ... unionists be given preference in filling vacan cies and in promotions.” (Page 50, 3.3.4) They also say that they will “Legislate to ensure that the provision of absolute preference for union members in all employment matters.” (Page 54, 3.11.3)

Under the title LAW REFORM AND CIVIL RIGHTS it is stated that they will “Reform the law ... so that sexual acts ... between consent ing minors above the age of 13 ... are not contrary to criminal law.” (Page 58, 9.5)

The ACT Al P handbook also states that “All ALP members of the legislature will be bound by the ALP Platform.” (Page 3,4.1)

In Queensland it was the Beattie ALP Govt that initiated the nice-sounding “Boutique Brothels”. The Cain ALP Govt in Melbourne was the first to set up legal prostitution in Australia. It certainly seems OK for the ALP to allow our girls to continue in this very dangerous profession. When AFF Director Jack Sonnemann appeared about this on the Today Show, he said he was sure the QId ALP Premier or Steve Liebmann would not want their own daughters working in any brothel, “boutique” or otherwise!

There is a law on the books in Qid for the entire time Beattie was premier. This law was passed after intensive lobbying efforts by all of our readers in Queensland and by Jack Sonnemann meeting with Queensland political and church leaders. This existing law prohibits the display of pornographic magazines to children in the family marketplace. The Beattie ALP Govt has refused to enforce this sensible legislation.

The Queensland law simply states that if a publication contains editorial or pictorial content of sex or nudity; if it contains advertisements and order forms for products or services of a sexual nature; if it contains ads for brothels, homosexual sex services and “Adult Only” products and services then such a publication is deemed to be for an “Adult Only” clientele. According to law in Queensland the covers of such publications cannot be displayed in the family marketplace where children have unrestricted access. The ALP in Queensland refuses to enforce this law. ALL Queensland readers should ask QLD’s new premier if she will enforce the law.

In the Victorian Mansard House of Assembly of 20 September 1990 the Kirner ALP government was bragging about the ALP clearance rate for Major Crimes. Believe it or not, the ALP government in Victoria had just removed trafficking in heroin and sexual penetration of a child from the Major Crime Index. Then Shadow Police Minister Peter McNamara is quoted as demanding, “The Minister should respond! If the sexual penetration of children and dealing in heroin are no longer considered major crimes there should be a major reassessment of the government priorities.” We at AFF agree.

A Coalition media rdease (ignored by this nation’s media!) entitled “Police in Crisis” was issued stating “... Labor amendments to the Ma jor Crime Index which police use to grade serious crimes, offences such as the trafficking in heroin and the sexual penetration of children are no longer considered major crimes.”

The media release continues “... previously the rape of a woman by three persons was to be considered three separate offences, but now this same incident was counted as one offence of rape.”

According to the Canberra Times of June 93 the ACT Labor Party adopts a policy to ensure that homosexuals have access to adoption. The ALP in the ACT wants to ensure that access to adopting children shall not be restricted by the “sexual preference of those applying to adopt”.

The Australian Federation for the Family has for many years been in the forefront of the battle to protect children from the further corrup tion of our culture. We find it hard to believe that ANY political leader in ANY civilised country would allow it’s women and children to continue be placed in such danger.

The OECD in March last year listed Australia once again at the top of the list for rape and violent assault. It is a well known fact that Aus tralia also leads the world in youth suicide - it is not so well known that we lead the world in ecstasy use and amphetamine use!

About A.F.F.

We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983.  AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.

We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so.  One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.

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TAS 7109

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